Cultivate Teaming

Why cultivate teaming? Because in today’s dynamic, fast-paced teamwork environment, your people need a deeper understanding of how to collaborate, communicate and contribute to a positive, creative team climate.
In the past, many organizations have attempted to boost team performance by investing in team leadership training for managers. We suggest a different approach – by also training your team members and investing in their skills and awareness, you will build resilient teams with a stronger capacity for self-leadership.
What is teaming? Teaming is a verb that captures the shift we see today away from stable teams with fixed members and roles over time, toward a more fluid way of organizing teamwork. Amy C. Edmondson calls it ‘teamwork on the fly’.

The Cultivate Teaming program consists of two core sessions:
- A half-day interactive awareness-building workshop for team members and -leaders together, on brain-based approaches to collaboration, feedback and communication.
- A practical, communication skills-focused half-day workshop that comes in one version for team members and one for team leaders. We explore the link between conversational turn taking and collective intelligence, and how we can use dialogue, listening skills and feedback techniques to promote open conversations and inclusion.
The learning journey can then be extended by adding in-depth workshops on topics like…
- Psychological Safety, incl. the PSI scan (Psychological Safety Index scan)
- Neuroscience and the SCARF-model
- Cross-cultural communication
- Feedback techniques and conversational intelligence
- Team leadership and -development models